You can participate in polls in your browser or with an app. Voting takes place anonymously and without registration. Simply enter the ID of the instructor and click on VOTE.
eduVote in Action
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Using eduVote as an instructor
Please select the environment in which you want to use eduVote. On the following pages you will find links to downloads, manuals and tutorial videos:
Bitte wählen Sie die Plattform aus, auf der Sie eduVote verwenden möchten. Auf den folgenden Seiten finden Sie die Links zu den Downloads, Hilfetexte und Links zu erklärenden Videos:
You can trust us! But you don't have to: Unlike other tools, our server never knows your questions and answer options. That makes eduVote unique.
Register as an instructor
If your institution has a Enterprise License, you can register right here with your email address. in this case, leave the "code" field blank. If you have a registration code, enter it and enter your email address below. If you would like to try eduVote, ask us for a free trial.
All licenses do not renew automatically. You should buy eduVote because you are convinced of its benefits and not because you forgot to cancel your contract.
If you are interested in purchasing a license for eduVote, we are happy to provide you with a free, non-binding trial account so that you can try out eduVote without restrictions. An email request to is all it takes.
Free Trial
If you are interested in purchasing a license for eduVote, we are happy to provide you with a free, non-binding trial account so that you can try out eduVote without restrictions. An email request to is all it takes.
Single License
A single license is valid for one person but can be used on multiple computers. The price for a single license is 299 € (incl. VAT) per year. If you want to order a single license, please send us an email:
Campus Licenses
The price for an enterprise licence is 2650 € per year (plus VAT). With this license, anyone who has an email address of the particular institution can use eduVote to the full extent. For an offer or further information please contact
Pro Licenses
We are happy to provide you with individual offers for single or enterprise Pro licenses. Pro licences offer you the possibility to apply your colour scheme and logo to the voting pages. IDs can be pre-set directly from a selection list. The voting page can be located on its own domain or subdomain. more
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Köhler, TU Braunschweig
I have been using eduVote since 2015 and am very satisfied. The students like the system and are motivated by its use and I get a quick overview of what they have understood and what they don't.
Prof. Dr. Dominique J. Lunter, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen
The word cloud turned out to be a good tool to visualise the students' input. We also use the result to briefly discuss the input. All in all, a tool that is really fun!
Dr. Christian Klein, Universität Hohenheim
Everything went well, I had over 200 participants in the surveys. That you can watch it being counted up is great. The students in the evaluation very much welcomed the use of eduVote.
Schmidt T et al.: The impact of an audience response system on a summative assessment, a controlled field study
...students assessed the use of eduVote very positively... more
BMC Medical Education / Published: 13 July 2020
Salzer R: Smartphones as audience response systems for lectures and seminars
...This system was chosen because it is easy to use, provides a convenient login for participants by QR code, and integrates easily into PowerPoint... more
ABCs of Education and Professional Development in Analytical Science / Published: 23 January 2018
Schlücker S: Das Smartphone – ein Antwortgerät
...In meinen Veranstaltungen setze ich ... eduVote ein, da es einfach zu bedienen ist und vor allem eine einfache Anbindung an PowerPoint ... erlaubt... mehr
Nachrichten aus der Chemie / Published: February 2017